Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the tests

I don't really have much to update. I just wanted to see if I can figure out how to put pics in my posts, so I'm going to try to stick my pregnancy test pics in here. Let's see...

This is the first one I took. It's from the Dollar Tree and I didn't totally trust it, lol. The line is really, really light (if you can even see it on here). I barely can.

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And this one I went and bought at Walmart and took the same afternoon. It came up positive right away! It's blurry, but you can see it!

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I'm at the least 6 weeks 1 day today...I'm pretty sure that's how far along I am. So I've officially made it past the point where I started spotting when I miscarried. And I still feel pregnant! In fact, I think morning sickness is kicking in. Certain foods (even just thinking about them) are starting to turn my stomach. I was cleaning out the fridge this morning and almost hurled and there wasn't even anything science experiment worthy in there. LOL. I'm welcoming it, though, because it's reassuring. I think I'll probably get my first ultrasound November 19th. I can't wait! I've also been thinking about how exciting it will be to find out the sex. I am going to be super excited EITHER way : ). So that's awesome. I know Doug is really hoping for another boy, though. It *would be easier. But I will be thrilled with a girl, too. (Our bank account might not be, though...hehehe. I just LOVE all the cute baby girl clothes.) My nerves are still getting the best of me at times, but I'm trying not to worry too much since it won't help anyway!

On to non-pg related news, if anyone is interested. Tomorrow is Halloween and also trick-or-treat night. Ryan is going as Elmo. This is the first year that he's really excited about going and understands. He's very excited about getting candy, lol. My mother-in-law and I took him and my niece and nephew trick-or-treating at the mall last week, but it was super crowded and not very fun. The weather has cooled down here lately, but tomorrow's supposed to be the warmest day of the week (they're saying 60 degrees around T or T time)......imagine that! The weather actually cooperating, lol.

Oh well, this is getting pretty long. I sure typed a lot for not having much to update ; ).

Monday, October 22, 2007


I never knew how exhausting being pregnant could be! I never really got tired with Zachary and Ryan, even in the beginning. But fatigue was one of my symptoms when I got pregnant in July and it's back with a vengeance this time! By the time 3pm rolls around, I am fighting to keep my eyes open, and I'm in bed by 9. I think I'm going to have to start trying to nap when Ryan is in school. When he's home it's hit or miss on whether or not he'll nap. Other than being tired (and having a slight cold), I'm feeling pretty good otherwise. No morning sickness yet, but I definitely do still feel pregnant. I can't believe I have another 3 weeks to go until my first appointment! I hope it goes by fast. I'm so nervous about miscarrying again. It sucks to have to inspect the toilet paper every time you go to the bathroom. But what sucks even more is that even when I get out of the 1st trimester, I'll still have worries, just different ones. Sometimes I'll let myself sit and daydream about having a big ol' belly and not being able to see my feet and having trouble sleeping and being able to see the baby move from the outside and all that stuff. But most of the time I just try to live in the moment b/c I've now had 2 pregnancies that did not end in bringing a baby home. So it's hard for me to imagine that day. Even with Ryan we weren't sure it would ever come. I wish I could be one of those naive pregnant women again whose biggest worry was what theme to decorate the nursery or what to name the baby. But to me being pregnant is scary and it's hard for me to remember what it was like when I was pregnant with Zachary and not knowing what was coming and being one of those naive pregnant women. And now I also worry about something being wrong with the baby. I guess I've seen/read too many sad stories on the interenet. Oh well. I just gotta hope and pray for the best and know that what happens is what is meant to be and that God knows what he's doing ; ).

Monday, October 15, 2007


I just got my bloodwork results back. Things are looking good! My numbers doubled like they should and my progesterone is good. YAY : ). I do have a good feeling so far this time. I actually feel pregnant, unlike in June/July when I was pregnant. Then I just had sore boobs and I was tired and peeing a lot. I have that now, along with heartburn and an odd feeling in my stomach like something is going on in there. I had that with Ryan right away, too. It wasn't there my last pregnancy and that had me worried. I've also been feeling kinda yucky after eating sometimes. My first appointment (nurse in-take) is on November 12th (that seems SO far away!) and then I see the doctor a week later. I'll be 8-9 weeks then. I hate to say this, but I hope this pregnancy flies by b/c it's going to be nervewracking! HOPEFULLY it will be smooth sailing (oh God, I hope so). At least I have Ryan to keep me busy this time around!!

By the way, bloodwork SUCKED this morning. She tried my left arm first and couldn't get it...that wasn't too bad. Then when she did the right, it HURT really bad the whole time and for like 2 hours afterwards. I've never had that happen before. It's still a little sore : P.

Friday, October 12, 2007


We weren't even trying this month, but I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive!! After my miscarriage in July I'm pretty darn nervous. I called my doctor's office today and they're sending me for bloodwork tomorrow and Monday to make sure my hCG levels are doubling and my progesterone levels are okay. Send me lots of sticky baby vibes! I'll update when I get my results on Tuesday. My estimated due date is June 23rd!