Friday, July 24, 2009

A Diagnosis

Sorry, but this will be short because I already typed it out once and lost it and I am ready for bed after getting up at 5:30 to leave for this appointment! : )

Ryan's appointment was today and it went well. He was diagnosed with pervasive development disorder (PDD). Autism and Asperger's Syndrome both fall into this category and he has traits of both. In case you don't feel like clicking on the link, here is the definition of PDD: The term "pervasive development disorders" (PDDs) refers to a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize with others, to communicate and to use imagination. Children with these conditions often are confused in their thinking and generally have problems understanding the world around them. This describes Ryan perfectly. It doesn't describe all his "issues", but it does a lot of them.

Now I will admit I'm a little confused about this PDD term and I didn't get to ask (or even think of) many questions : /. I need to make a list and give her a call. She will also be sending a report out in a couple weeks.

With the PDD diagnosis, it will be easier to get him services in school and hopefully even an aide which we (and the doctor AND his former preschool teacher) think he needs in order to keep up and do well.

I just hope that Ryan is one day able to live a fulfilling, happy, "normal" life and have some real friends. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a social outcast : (. It's tough being a parent and worrying about all the "What if's...?".

ETA: There's no way of knowing if the PDD is due to the extreme prematurity and/or PVL (brain damage, probably due to lack of oxygen and/or brain bleed in the NICU) or if he would have had it even if he was a healthy, full term newborn.

Also, the doctor suggested getting some genetic testing done just to rule anything else out, which I think is a good idea!

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