Monday, October 15, 2007


I just got my bloodwork results back. Things are looking good! My numbers doubled like they should and my progesterone is good. YAY : ). I do have a good feeling so far this time. I actually feel pregnant, unlike in June/July when I was pregnant. Then I just had sore boobs and I was tired and peeing a lot. I have that now, along with heartburn and an odd feeling in my stomach like something is going on in there. I had that with Ryan right away, too. It wasn't there my last pregnancy and that had me worried. I've also been feeling kinda yucky after eating sometimes. My first appointment (nurse in-take) is on November 12th (that seems SO far away!) and then I see the doctor a week later. I'll be 8-9 weeks then. I hate to say this, but I hope this pregnancy flies by b/c it's going to be nervewracking! HOPEFULLY it will be smooth sailing (oh God, I hope so). At least I have Ryan to keep me busy this time around!!

By the way, bloodwork SUCKED this morning. She tried my left arm first and couldn't get it...that wasn't too bad. Then when she did the right, it HURT really bad the whole time and for like 2 hours afterwards. I've never had that happen before. It's still a little sore : P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she hit a nerve when drawing your blood!

Jen, I'm thrilled that you're pregnant and things are going smoothly so far!