Thursday, February 19, 2009

Busy Bee

Brooke sure is keeping us on our toes now that she is crawling! She is almost constantly on the go. This means a lot of supervising, making sure she doesn't get stuck anywhere or get in to anything she shouldn't. It also means refereeing her and Ryan and trying to keep her from annoying him *too much. She has a bazillion toys, but she mostly wants Ryan's bowling pins, blocks, Doodle Pro, Gameboy, etc. As soon as he gets something out to play with, she is *right there to see what it is he has and what she can try to take from him. It's kind of funny, but can also get annoying having Ryan always complaining about her. Sometimes I put the gate up so she is in the dining room and can't get in to the living room where he's playing to give him a little peace. If the gate isn't up blocking the kitchen, she won't stay out of there. It's like she's magnetically drawn to go out there. LOL. Her being so mobile also means more boo boos from her bumping her head on things or falling while attempting to stand up at something (she has yet to master this, but she sure tries). So there are lots of tears around here most days...luckily, they don't last long.

I really, really hope I don't jinx anything by posting this, but she's been sleeping through the night for almost 2 weeks straight now! Most nights she will wake up once, sometimes twice, but I find her blanket for her and give it to her and she goes right back to sleep. So I still count it as sleeping straight through. Definitely better than when she was waking up and not wanting to go to sleep and stay asleep for up to an hour (or more). She is sleeping most nights by 8:30 and wakes up sometime between 7 and 8 am. She doesn't have a set nap schedule...I've tried, but she's too unpredictable. She takes 2-3 naps a day, but never sleeps for more than 2-2 1/2 hours total usually.

Ryan is doing well. He's getting over yet another cold. This one Brooke didn't get. He's off school this whole week for some reason and keeps asking when he can go back to school. LOL. That's my Ryan. He spends his days bouncing between watching cartoons, playing his Gameboy, bowling, playing golf, playing soccer, or drawing on his Doodle Pro. He loves to play the Wii, but doesn't get to play it every day and we kind of use it as leverage with him to get him to stay in bed until 7am (he has a habit of getting up at 5 or 6, which is way too early and results in him being very crabby) and/or eating his dinner without a fight. Our biggest issue with him at the moment is getting him to eat meals without having to nag him to eat the whole way through. If it's something he REALLY loves, then he eats great, but if not then he pokes around a lot and is always the last one done. I'm thinking this is probably fairly typical for his age, though.

I was going to type some more, but it's time for Brooke's midmorning bottle, so that's all for now folks!

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