Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mattress thumper

Ryan was a mattress thumper when he was a baby. In other words, he would lay in his crib at night and pull his legs up and then slam them down on the mattress...over and over and over again...until he fell asleep. LOL. I thought this gene skipped Brooke and was pretty thankful since she is my "roommate" for the unforeseeable future and the thumping was annoying enough with Ryan hearing it from another room of the house ; ). But alas, she has started just within the last week. She doesn't do it all the time, but last night I woke to her stirring around 4:30am. I got up and gave her blanket to her because she couldn't find it since she was laying on top of it on her back. Then I laid back down and she started thumping, lol. It seemed to go on forever and I could not fall back to sleep and was ready to go strap her legs down ; ). LOL. Here's hoping this phase doesn't last long!

I'll post some cute pics I took of her this morning : ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logan's a head banger / leg kicker. He has been from day one. That's his comfort~ no binky, no special blankets, just that (Zach never did~ he was a binky addict and STILL has to have all his blankets). Lately Logan's gotten out of control. He'll kneel in his crib and crack his head over and over again against the railing. We can hear it through the whole house when he does it. He's got a permanent red spot in the middle of his forehead that looks like he's been beaten a little, lol. Can't wait to see how he gets when we finally let him out of his crib and he's got a wall to bang instead! Doesn't bother him at all, though. Gotta love the little quirks that babies and kids have!