Saturday we had Ryan's birthday party for my side of the family. We had it at my mom and dad's. It turned out to be a great day :-). We had a cookout with burgers, hot dogs, kielbasa, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc....and then cake and ice cream, with a side of presents in between ;-). Here are just a FEW highlights...
On to the "other stuff"....
I'm going to TRY to keep this brief. I was just getting in to bed Saturday night at going on midnight and the phone rang. Doug's dad had been in the hospital since early Friday morning due to chest pains (he had a heart attack in Dec. '04 and has a bad heart/arteries). I was worried something had happened with him because we don't generally get phone calls that time of night unless it's bad news. But it was actually about MY dad. It was my mom calling to say she was taking him to the hospital because he was having really bad stomach pains and didn't look good. I got dressed and headed to the hospital. We found out about 2:30 am that he had acute appendicitis. Sometimes shortly after 3, I guess it was, the surgeon came in to see him. He scheduled him for surgery at 9am ("to give people a chance to go to church" ???). Soon after that they moved him to a room and we left the hospital around 5am to go home and shower and try to get awake and came back at 7. We were extremely, extremely nervous about surgery because my dad had never been under anesthesia before, plus he is a smoker and a little overweight. You just never know. But he did fine and the surgeon didn't find anything wrong besides his appendix and he said it was a lot worse than he thought it was. My dad got to come home this morning already :-).
Last year we had Ryan's birthday party on the 23rd and that morning before his party, my dad went out to my pap's (his dad's) house to check on him and found he'd passed away in his sleep. Then that night, Ryan got 7 staples in his head after a plastic deck chair broke that he and a family friend were sitting on. This year, my dad gets his appendix out on the 23rd. Can we skip the 23rd of August next year??? Seriously.
On to Doug's dad....They tried to avoid doing a heart catheterization, but it had to be done today. Luckily, it went fine! They did find some blockages and put in stints (I'm not sure how many). He was no longer having pains in his chest and was only sore in his groin area where they put the catheter in, as of a couple hours ago when I got an update. So at least that seems to be taken care of :-). But on Saturday they saw a couple spots on/in his lung and he also has a couple lumps in his groin, so now they have to figure out what the deal is with that. Praying it is NOTHING!
Tomorrow is Ryan's kindergarten orientation and Wednesday is his first day of school. Eeeeek! The worst part is I'm STILL waiting to hear back from the school on whether or not they are providing him an aide and for how much of the day. I'm like 99% sure he'll have one for at least parts of the day, but from what they said, an all day district supplied aide is probably not possible. He has an appointment set up for September 16th with Northwestern Human Services for an evaluation and if nothing else, I think they can help us out in that area! Wish us luck!
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