Thursday, May 21, 2009

Leaving soon

We were originally leaving for North Carolina tomorrow morning and driving straight through, but then I had the idea of leaving this afternoon, getting a hotel room about halfway for the night, and finishing tomorrow. So that's what we're doing! We'll actually be a little more than halfway, since we're staying in a hotel near Roanoke, VA. Doug had planned on working a full day at work, until 3:30, but he talked to his boss this morning about leaving early and actually should be home soon. We'll probably hit the road between 1 and 2pm. I think this will go much better with the kids, splitting the trip up, than doing it all the same day. Now I am mostly just nervous about traffic and such. In recent years (mostly since my sister and her best friend were hit by a drunk driver, killing her friend and nearly killy my sister, in February '05), I've had some major anxiety about being in the car, mostly on longer trips. I've gotten a lot better, but then the longest I've been in a car since June '05 (when we went to VA Beach) is just under 2 hours. I'm feeling the anxiety starting already. Doug is a good driver, but it's all the other cars on the road that I worry about. All it takes is one idiot and you can end up dead or seriously/permanently injured. I know it's morbid to think that way and I REALLY try not to....but sometimes those thoughts sneak in there. I'm sure I'll be praying a lot while we're on the road. It really calms me! Some Valium or Xanax might help, too, but I don't have any. LOL. (Nor have I *ever taken knowing my luck, they probably wouldn't work or would make me sick anyway.) Anyway, I just wanted to tell everyone to have a fun, safe Memorial Day weekend!! : )


Shana said...

Have a safe fun trip!

Jessica Z. said...

Yay, I hope that you guys have a wonderful trip!! Good Luck, i'll be praying for you guys to have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe and fun trip.