Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another then and now

I bought some baby clothes off someone on a message board I post on when I was still pregnant and she sent this bow along with a few other little extras (very sweet!). I just had to put this on her when she was teeny tiny to see how silly it looked! This was taken in August 6th, so she was just over 5 months old.

And here she is wearing the same bow last week. It just so happens that it perfectly matches her birthday dress, which I purposely cropped out of this picture because I don't want to share on here yet : P. LOL. I may order a smaller bow (without a headband) that's brown with pink polka dots and see how that looks with her hair up in a little ponytail. Not sure yet.

I had her in for her monthly synagis shot(s) yesterday (yay, only one more month now!) and she weighed 16lbs. 8oz., so she gained 8oz. since last month (on the 4th). She's getting there, slowly but surely!


Anonymous said...

Oh how cute!! She looks like such a happy baby!

Kim said...

How cute! My friend's daughter was born 6 weeks early and was that weight at 12 months, so I'd say Brooke is growing fabulously! Such a cute peanut!