Thursday, March 12, 2009


That's just how I feel today : P. I haven't had a good night's sleep since Saturday night and now I've been sick with a cold since Tuesday evening. I just feel drained. I think I'll be taking a nap this afternoon.

The good news is, Brooke is doing a lot better! She is no longer wheezing and has hardly been coughing and she's been drinking a little bit more today. Of course, being sick hasn't really kept her down AT ALL, besides being a little more fussy the first few days, especially when her temperature was up a bit. She's still on the go and in to everything. But I'm just so glad that the wheezing is gone : ). Now we just need to work on the sleeping through the night again, which I'm sure will come when she's completely all better. Last night was definitely better than the previous few nights, but she was in bed with me from midnight on (much like Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights) and I never sleep well when she's in bed with me, especially now that she's more mobile and I worry about her waking up and somehow falling off the bed. So I wake at every little movement. And she is a total BED HOG, lol. But she didn't wake up crying as much last night. I still slept like crap, with being sick, though. Four nights in a row of being up with a sick baby sure does take a lot out of you, especially when you're sick yourself! Taking care of a sick baby is definitely no fun, but it's even worse when YOU'RE sick and taking care of a sick baby.

So that's today's update! Hopefully tomorrow I can come on here and tell you that she slept all night in her crib and we both got a good night's rest. :::crossing fingers:::

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