Monday, March 9, 2009

The sickies are back

Ugh. Isn't winter over yet??

Ryan started sounding like he was coming down with a cold Friday morning. That night he spiked a little bit of a fever, but it was gone by 3am. He's still coughing some and sneezing here and there, but he's doing well.

Last night Brooke started. She was extremely restless from the time she went to bed and I could tell her nose was a tad stuffy, so I just knew it was coming. She woke the first time at 11:30, right as I was falling asleep. I lost count, but she must've woken up about 6-8 more times between then and 3:15. At that time I noticed she felt warm and took her temp and it was 99.9. I gave her some Tylenol and put her in bed with me. She was still very restless and kept waking up. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep total. I felt so bad for her : (. She was miserable.

We got up around 8:00, when Ryan woke up. Brooke still had a slight fever, but it's gone now. She's coughing and sneezing a bit and just not quite herself : (. Hoping it doesn't turn in to anything worse! She's still trying to be her happy-go-lucky self and it's so cute to see her trying to act spunky when she is not feeling well!


JBGRIGS said...

I hope they both feel better soon :)

Anonymous said...

I hope they both feel better soon.