Thursday, July 23, 2009

Teething sucks

I never even knew Ryan was teething as far as how he acted, but Brooke is a different story. Actually I guess it could be a whole lot worse, but as of now she hasn't slept well in almost 2 weeks, save for a night here or there. She usually wakes up at least once, but usually 2-3 times, and sometimes I'm up for an hour or more trying to get her back to sleep. It's strange, though, because she isn't fussy or seem like she's in pain when she wakes up. She is just awake and doesn't want to go back to sleep. She has a few teeth getting ready to pop through and another one that already has made it's appearance. I give her tylenol sometimes, but it doesn't alway seem to work. Teething tablets do nothing. Someone told me to try Motrin and nighttime Orajel so I may try one or both. I've never done Orajel because I'd heard that it can numb the baby's throat and make them choke on their drool or something to that effect, but I don't know if it's true or not. Anyone else hear that?

Last night I was up with Brooke from about 2:50 to 4:15am...ugh. I really hope she sleeps better tonight because my mom is keeping her. We have Ryan's appointment at the Child Development Unit tomorrow and we have to leave around 7am, so it will just be easier if we don't have to worry about dropping her off in the morning. I'll have to havel my mom to try the Motrin on her. I'll feel terrible if Brooke has her up and down all night.

Ryan ended up spending 2 nights at my aunt's house. He had a lot of fun and she was planning on bringing him home this afternoon, but I talked to him this morning around 10 and he said he wanted to come home. He hasn't been away from me for that long in over a year (since I was in the hospital with Brooke), so I think he was getting a little homesick. Then after he got home, I thought he really was getting sick because he was just acting off. He started having a meltdown over his Nintendo DS, so I took him and he was sitting on my lap and ended up falling asleep. I laid him on the couch and he slept for almost 2 hours! It is VERY, VERY rare for him to nap so I was hoping he wasn't getting sick. Plus, he'd slept well at my aunt's, putting in about 11 hours a night...but I guess he was just that played out because once he woke up, he was back to his normal self : ).

So tomorrow we'll have a long day...we have a 2 hour drive each way and the appointment is supposed to take up to 3 hours. Then on Monday is his sedated eye exam so that could turn into another long day. I'll update about his appointment tomorrow and exam Monday ASAP!

1 comment:

Dani said...

Owen isn't a good teether at all. He's cried most of the day today, not being satisfied until he was chewing on my finger.

I heard the same thing about orajel so I've never used it. I do use tylenol or motrin though.