Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brooke's 9 month check up

Yesterday afternoon Brooke had her 9 month visit. She weighed in at 14lbs. 14oz. and the nurse measured her at 27in. (but I think she's more like 26.5in.). Her head was, I believe, 46cm. Those measurements put her in the 10th percentile for length and not quite on the chart for her weight or her head. She's a long little thing!

Remember last week I posted about her synagis appointment and I was a little concerened that she'd only gained 5oz. in 4 weeks? Well, yesterday's weight put her at a 4oz. gain in one week. So no worries anymore (at this point, anyway) : ). Her next synagis appointment is on the 4th and hopefully she'll have another nice weight gain : ).

The doctor was pleased with her development : ). No concerns at this point! Poor baby had 3 shots. She was pretty fussy last night, but I think it had more to do with the fact that she didn't get much napping time yesterday.

Her sleeping habits are really sucking these days! For the longest time there I thought she was going to start sleeping through the night consistently, but that went out the window over a month ago. She now wakes at LEAST once a night 9 times out of 10. Sometimes she goes right back to sleep and stays asleep and other times I'm up with her for an hour or more trying to get her to stay asleep. She isn't fussy when she wakes up, so I don't know what the deal is. Sometimes she seems hungry and will drink some of a bottle, but other times not. It's extremely frustrating, though. She slept through the night Saturday night for the first time in a LONG time and I got pretty excited, but it seems it was a one time thing : P. Last night I was up from 1 to 2 with her. She actually woke again at 2:30, but surprisingly went back to sleep without my help. I just wish I could figure out what the deal is!

So I uploaded some pictures and they uploaded out of order (not that it really matters, I guess).

Ryan drew this the other day. He loves to draw and write on his Doodle Pro, but not on paper : /.
E.T.A. - I wrote the word "snail", not Ryan...he can write, but not *that good yet : ).

Brooke after we got home from her appointment yesterday. She was wiped out.

Ryan had crazy hat day at school yesterday. He did not already own a "crazy hat" and I wasn't going to buy one just for this. Then I was in the craft section at Walmart the other night and saw these foam visors ($0.78) and sticky foam things ($1.97) and thought that would be perfect : ). Of course I had to get the sports balls for him ; ). And this shirt is also from Walmart (got it a couple weeks ago)...SO fitting for him. It says "Any Game Anytime". LOL.

Brooke on her hands and knees the other night. She used to not be able to hold this position, but she can now! Probably won't be long before she figures out how to motor that way, lol.


Shana said...

wow, did Ryan write snail? That is really good writing!

Anonymous said...

Olivia's sleeping habits have been pretty sucky too lately, I think a big part of it, is that she rolls over in her sleep, and then wakes herself up. The other night she was up on the hour, every hour from 8:30 on... finally slept from 3-6am :/ It's very frusterating, esp. when for 3 solid months, she was sleeping a good 11-12 hrs a night! She is always a crab after her shots too.

Jen said...

No, Ryan didn't write snail...I did ; ). Should've added that! I think I'll do that now...