Monday, June 23, 2008

Quick update...more later...

The new formula is going so-so. Brooke is still spitting up about the same amount, but she hasn't been having near as many painful episodes. I don't know if that's because the Zantac has finally taken effect or what. I've been told by a few people that it should work right away and a couple other people told me it can take up to 2 weeks to take effect. We decided to try taking her to the chiropractor to see if it may help with the reflux. It turns out she does have some restrictiveness in a couple spots on her spine that could be contributing to the reflux. The spine could be partially compressing nerves that control the signals to the muscles that keep food/liquid from coming back up. She's gone twice so far and is scheduled to go again today and Wednesday. So far I haven't noticed any difference, though : (. We've decided the next step will be to try some oatmeal cereal in her formula to see if it being slightly thicker will help it stay down better. I don't want to risk rice cereal constipating her because as it is she only poops every 3-4 days.

I'll post more later with pics! Sorry I've been slacking on posting so much : (.


Erin said...

I've been reading your blog for a while but I'm not good at leaving comments. I did want to respond to this post though. My daughter had horrible reflux as a baby (still does) to the point that we used to line towels up around her to catch the spit up. I was cautious about rice cereal too but it really does work (we used Zantac and Reglan too)! Good luck! I spent many nights holding my daughter feeling helpless as she screamed in pain, it's a horrible feeling. I hope something works for Brooke soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen:

are you giving her the zantac 30 minutes before her bottles? I know we have to give Joshua his 20 to 30 minutes before he gets his tube feeds or it does not work. You know where to reach me if you need anything.
