Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen THINGS I Love
(in no particular order)

1. Getting lost in a good book. I love love love to read. When I'm in the middle of a good book, I have trouble putting it down until I'm done!

2. A hot shower, especially when I'm cold.

3. Spending time with my family. We always have a good time!

4. Hugs and kisses from Ryan and when he says "I wuv you." ; )

5. A clear, crisp, fall day.

6. Chinese food!!

7. Giving gifts to people, especially when it's something I know s/he will love.

8. Sleeping. I have a 5 month old that still wakes in the middle of the night...need I say more? LOL.

9. Shopping, even if it's just window shopping. I love the mall! Wish we had a bigger one, though.

10. Baby smiles, coos, and laughs.

11. Praying and really feeling like Someone is listening.

12. Praise and worship at's so uplifting!

13. Root beer : ).

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