I took a TON of pictures on Christmas...umm, 400 I think. LOL. Here are just a FEW highlights ; ).
Brooke on her first Christmas (after the ER visit)!
Too bad Ryan isn't smiling! I wasn't going to torture him trying to get a "perfect" pic...he had to wait long enough to open gifts, lol.
Here's a pretty good one : ).
Her first gift!! She was SO into tearing that paper. Ryan was NOT in to presents until he was like 3. LOL.
This is fun!
She was in to eating the paper, too ; ).
One of Ryan's Wii games he got. I think this was Cars. We're a little behind on the whole Cars infatuation here, lol.
Yes, there were a few meltdowns that day when Little Miss Brooke got tired. She took a nap right after we were done with gifts!
Probably Ryan's favorite gift...a mini 5-in-1 game table.
She *really LOVED the paper ; ).
Ryan with his stocking. I didn't get a pic of Brooke with hers (she was too cranky) : (. She needed a stocking and I ended up getting Ryan a new one, too. Brooke's is the same as his. I like that you can put pics in them : ).
One of the best pics I got of Brooke on Christmas : ). This was at my parents' house that evening.
Ryan got this sign for his room from my sister's boyfriend. I love it!! It will go with his sports themed bedding. See how thrilled Ryan was? LOL. This was in the evening at my parents' house...he was T-I-R-E-D!
And there's the cat, laying under the tree that night after all the madness was over! LOL.I have another picture to post of Brooke from Christmas Day, but it's such a great picture that it needs a post all it's own ; ). Coming soon....
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