Ryan Matthew was born 8/20/03 at 23 weeks 5 days. He weighed 1lb. 6oz.and was 12in. long. Today he is our little sports fanatic that loves to learn!
Miracle #2
Brooke Elizabeth was born on 3/26/08 at 27 weeks 4 days. She weighed 2lb. 10oz. and was 15in. long. Today she is our feisty, determined, loveable little girl that knows what she wants and lets you know it!
LMAO~ when you have a kid like Logan, you get to see that face over and over again~ and again and again...
Classic~ I love it!
I love it. I have one of DD doing the gagging thing on her own thumb. Too cute.
Hysterical!!!!! olivia does that all the time with her fist @@
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