Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I'm having issues right now getting pics on to the blog. Sorry! : (

Brooke is doing well at home! The home health nurse was here again this morning and Brooke weighed in at 4lb. 13oz. So if you go by the 4lb. 10oz. that she was on Sunday according to that scale, she's gained 3oz. in 3 days which is right on target for what she "should" be gaining : ). The nurse said everything else looks good! Brooke has her first appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow morning for a check up. The home health nurse will come once a week for the next 3 weeks, unless the doctor feels it needs to be longer than that.

Feedings are going better for the most part. Except this morning, she had 2 huge spit ups while burping, but I'm pretty sure it was from the nasty vitamins. Hoping that's all it was because that's the most she's spit up yet! Right now she's sleeping peacefully in her swing. It's not actually swinging...I like to put her in there because she's in more of a reclined/upright position. With her spitting up occasionally, I don't like laying her flat too soon after a feeding.

Ryan is still doing well with her. He occasionally asks to hold her and he just sits there and stares at her and hugs and kisses her. It is too sweet :*). He gets mad when you take her back, lol. So far he hasn't tried to pick her up by himself, but he has attempted to get up while holding her or to take her out of my arms while standing, lol. We have to keep her bundled up in a blanket (or 2) with a hat on pretty much all the time yet because she can't hold her temperature up on her own yet and if he sees her hat off, like while she's being fed, he'll try to put it back on her.

We *have been having some issues with him and his attitude and mouthiness, but that was going on long before she came home. LOL. Last night he was in bed by 7:30 (normal bed time is 8:00) because he was being so difficult and dare I say bratty. Hopefully this will pass soon! Everyone always talks about the terrible 2's, but they were NOTHING compared to this! LOL.

I think right now the biggest issue we're going to have with Brooke is gas/tummy aches. Like I've mentioned before, she's a big time burper. She also toots a lot. She gets fussy now and then and then all of a sudden she'll let one rip (and man, do they stink! LOL. There've been numerous times when I thought she actually pooped only to look and find nothing in her diaper). I talked to the home health nurse about this today and she said there's not really much you can do because babies are always going to swallow air, either while they're feeding or crying. She said the gas drops don't really do anything and are only really recommended if there's a digestive problem. I did buy an Playtex VentAire bottle to see if that would help with her feedings because she gulps a lot, but she wasn't too fond of it. I'll have to try it again when she's a bit bigger, I guess. Right now we're just using the skinny little 2oz. bottles that the NICU gave us.

Well, Ryan is having one of his moments right now, so I gotta run. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pics up SOON!


Anonymous said...

Jen... 2 words... DR. BROWN'S!! They are a miracle for babies with gas issues. I swear by them. They were a lifesaver with ds.
Glad she's doing well at home!!!

Anonymous said...

I use the VentAire with Bram. I tried Dr. Browns first as well as a bunch of other bottles, and it took the VentAire to help reduce his reflux and his projectile vomiting/spit up issue he was having.
I'm so glad that she's doing good at home! I never comment, but I check regularely to see how she's doing =)

Anonymous said...

Dr. Browns are life savers for babies with gas issues. They are awesome!

Crystal said...

Dr. browns worked for us too. I hope Ryan starts acting better, my 9yr. is way worse than any 2 yr could ever be lol.

Dani said...

Ryan is 4..almost 5, right? Don't believe everything you hear about the terrible twos. THey get worse as they get older. Lilli is 100 times worse now than she was at 2!!!! Good luck!! I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and his behavior is probably very normal for his age!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster above- the older they are, the worse the attitude! Good luck with Ryan.

For Brooke, you may need to switch what she's eating. If she's formula fed, she may need a non dairy based formula. If she's getting breastmilk, you may need to remove dairy from your diet. I've seen huge improvements with the removal of dairy from my diet with my babies. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

One of mine did the Dr Brown's (Sarah-Lynn) and one did the platex vent-aire. They both did great on them. Was a pain with two different bottles, but at least I could keep track of whose was whose.

This age is worse then anything else I have ever experience. Give the 2's again any day of the week over them being almost 5.

BTW who gave our babies permission to grow up so fast???? I miss my babies now!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen! This is your cousin Samantha (remember me?!) I just wanted to congratulate you on your beautiful daughter and family =) I'm sure you're a great mom! We had sent you a card when we found out you had a little girl, we just wanted to make sure you got it. E-mail me and let me know! ♥