Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sitting Pretty With the Sniffles

Ryan was so very kind enough to share his cold with Brooke : P. He started with it Wednesday evening and she started yesterday morning. So far she is just sneezing and has a tiny bit of nasal congestion. She's still eating pretty good, just smaller amounts more frequently. Still her mostly happy-go-lucky self, too : ). I'm not sure if I ever said on here about how much easier and happier she has been the last few weeks, but she's like an almost completely different baby than a month ago even. She used to be very fussy for no apparent reason. Now she only cries/fusses if she's tired, hungry, bored, or needs changed. Now that she's getting older, she's happier to just hang out in her swing, in her bouncy, or just laying on the couch or the floor. And she's working on a new skill....sitting up by herself! She's still pretty wobbly, but I think she'll have this mastered soon...hopefuly by the time we get her 6 month pics done at the end of the month : ). Look!

Sept. 13

Sept. 13

Sept. 13

Sept. 13

Sept. 13
I would try leaning her back against the Boppy pillow and she would struggle to sit up again! LOL. She's stubborn (and nosy)!

Ryan didn't sit without support until he was 11 months actual/7 months corrected age! So this is just awesome that she's doing this at 5 1/2 months actual/2 1/2 months corrected!

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Brandi said...

I just want to eat her up!

Sadie said...

Awesome! She is just getting cuter every day!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a big girl :*) She looks a lot like Ryan in that 2nd pic!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Brooke!!! She is gettin so big. She's a major cutie!!