Monday, April 13, 2009

Round 50 of the Sickies

Okay, so it's not really 50, but it sure feels like it. This year has been terrible for colds! Now it's Ryan again. He sounded stuffed up all day yesterday and last night I was awoken around 1:30 to him having a coughing fit and crying. I could tell he had some mucous that needed to come up and out and figured eventually it would and I knew he was NOT going to be happy about it. I was up for about an hour comforting him, cleaning him up after he did throw up a tiny bit, taking his temperature (99.9 under his arm), putting a Be Kool patch on his back, getting him a drink, and getting him settled back down and to sleep. After that, I didn't hear him cough too much the rest of the night and today he's been acting fine, though still stuffy and coughing a bit. Now I'm just hoping and praying Brooke somehow avoids getting it. I can't tell you the last time I was up with Ryan in the middle of the night while he was sick because now that he's older, he usually just sleeps straight through even when he's feeling crappy. As a baby, there were quite a few nights spent sitting up on the couch, holding him while he slept restlessly, attempting to catch a few winks myself. So last night brought back some memories from the baby days with him, although it went much, much smoother than it did back then!

I don't think I'll have time to post any Easter pics today, but hopefully tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great one : ).

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