Friday, October 10, 2008

First taste

October 6

October 6

October 6

Brooke had her first taste of baby oatmeal cereal on Tuesday. Mostly I just wanted to see what she would do. She wasn't too sure about it, but she did eat maybe about a teaspoon total. I don't plan on giving it to her every day at this point and actually she hasn't even had it again yet. And I don't plan on starting fruits or veggies for another month or so. Ryan sat and watched me feed her and after a few minutes said, "My turn to feed her!". LOL. So I helped him giver her a few bites. He was so proud of himself!

We are already on Round 2 of the sickies this season : P. Started both times by Ryan, I'm sure courtesy of preschool. Sneezing, runny/stuff noses, and Ryan has a touch of a cough. Mostly I think from post-nasal drip. Ryan is actually almost completely better, but he started with this Sunday I think it was. Brooke just started Wednesday evening. I hope this isn't going to be a monthly occurence around here! (Wishful thinking, huh?)

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1 comment:

Gena said...

awwww I love the pics.